+《Cell》‖ 浙江大学靳津和东南大学柴人杰研究团队联合发文:应激反应致外周CD4+ T细胞代谢紊乱诱发焦虑行为
+Cell Reports ‖ 维真AAV在慢性疼痛中的应用
Nature Communications. (IF=12.121). Xu, et.al. (2020). CircGRIA1 shows an age-related increase in male macaque brain and regulates synaptic plasticity and synaptogenesis.[中国科学院昆明动物所 AAV9-shRNA(circGRIA1) & AAV9-shRNA(control) 灵长类动物恒河猴脑衰老]
Science Advances. (IF=13.116). Sun, et.al. (2020). Development of a CRISPR-SaCas9 system for projection- and function-specific gene editing in the rat brain.[北京大学 CRISPR-saCas9 基因编辑雄性SD大鼠特定神经元群]
The Journal of Neuroscience. (IF=5.673). Zingg B, et.al. (2020). Synaptic Specificity and Application of Anterograde Transsynaptic AAV for Probing Neural Circuitry.[南加利福尼亚大学scAAV1 hSyn-Cre & AAV1-hSyn-Flp & AAVretro-hSyn-Cre & AAV1-EF1a-DIO-Flp-WPRE & AAVretro-hSyn-GFP-WPRE 顺向跨单级突触示踪]
Molecular Psychiatry. (IF=12.384). li, et.al. (2020). Programmed cell death 4 as an endogenous suppressor of BDNF translation is involved in stress-induced depression.[山东大学 AAV9-CMV-mPdcd4-P2A-GFP 抑郁症]
Biological Psychiatry. (IF=12.095). Zhang, et.al. (2020). Reduced neuronal cAMP in the nucleus accumbens damages blood-brain barrier integrity and promotes stress vulnerability.[中国药科大学 Dox 诱导性AAV2/9-shRNA-Adcy5 or AAV2/9-shRNA 抑郁症]
Cell Reports. (IF=8.109). Ma, et.al. (2019). Spontaneous Pain Disrupts Ventral Hippocampal CA1-Infralimbic Cortex Connectivity and Modulates Pain Progression in Rats with Peripheral Inflammation. [北京大学 AAV2 retro-hSyn-Cre-GFP & AAV2-CAG-DIO-BDNF-mCherry-3*flag 慢性疼痛]
Cell. (IF=38.637). Fan, et.al. (2019). Stress-Induced Metabolic Disorder in Peripheral CD4+T Cells Leads to Anxiety-like Behavior. [浙江大学 AAV9-GFAP-GFP-miR30-shRNA(mAdora1) & AAV8-MBP-GFP-miR30-shRNA(mAdora1) & AAV8-MBP-GFP-miR30-shRNA(scramble) 焦虑精神疾病]
Neuron. (IF=14.415). Feng, et.al. (2019). A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor for Rapid and Specific In Vivo Detection of Norepinephrine.[北京大学AAV9-hSyn-NE1m & NE1h and AAV9-hsyn-tTA 去甲肾上腺素神经递质探针]
Cell. (IF=38.637). Sun, et.al. (2018). A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor Enables Rapid and Specific Detection of Dopamine in Flies,Fish, and Mice.[北京大学AAV-hSyn-DA1m & DA1h 多巴胺神经递质探针]
Behavioural Neurology. (IF=2.093). Qu, et.al. (2018). MST1 Suppression Reduces Early Brain Injury by Inhibiting the NF-κB/MMP-9 Pathway after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice.[第三军医大学西南医院神经外科 MST1 AAV-4 in 1 shRNA-GFP 脑室注射 蛛网膜下腔出血]
Neuron. (IF=14.415). Zingg B, et.al. (2017). AAV-Mediated Anterograde Transsynaptic Tagging: Mapping Corticocollicular Input-Defined Neural Pathways for Defense Behaviors.[南加利福尼亚大学AAV1-EF1a-DIO-Flp 顺向跨单级突触示踪]
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